In this immersive workshop, we will prepare the mind, body and spirit with intention, energetic alignment and mantra so we can deeply integrate the large planetary-tuned symphonic gongs’ healing tones, overtones and frequencies. This sonic alchemy immersion will wash away tension, elevate your mood, stimulate the parasympathetic nervous system and allow for something new to emerge. Cymatic Emergence workshops are curated to the cosmos, powerful astrological alignments and seasonal portals to amplify rapid transformation.
“Create rhythms that are deeply nourishing and expansive - soul practices that infuse yourself with rest and faith. Resonate from a place that makes your heart sing.”
Early Bird $40
Starting March 27th $50
Dr.Christopher Powell is traditionally trained and board certified as a Doctor of Chiropractic and a Kundalini Yoga Teacher since 2003. He is post graduate certified advanced level Network Spinal Analysis (N.S.A) considered the Yoga of Chiropractic; a holistic, innovative and gentle technique used and endorsed by Anthony Robbins, Dr.Bruce Lipton, Ph.D, Candace Pert, Ph.D, and University of Miami school of medicine as a transformational somatic-based healing modality. NSA works deeply on levels physical, emotional, mental and energetic. Other tools Chris incorporates into his classes/workshops are Sacred Body Language Translation: intuitive interpretation of your symptoms, The Emotion Code Energy Healing Release, Meridian & Yin Yoga.