1:00 PM13:00

Dances of Universal Peace with Karen Lehman

The Dances of Universal Peace is participatory group spiritual practice facilitated by a Certified Dance Leader who introduces the group to the sacred phrase, music, and movements. After a short practice, participants enter the circle dance with live music accompaniment. This “spiritual practice in motion” connects the body, heart, and soul, opening participants to the possibility of a spiritual experience while honoring various sacred traditions from around the world.

This is a Donation Offering

Karen Lehman is a song leader with the Whole Hearted Community Song Circles and a Certified Dance Leader for Dances of Universal Peace. A resident of the Monterey Peninsula for more than 50 years, she has performed with a number of prominent local choral groups. Being a musician and a retired teacher, Karen feels that her life purpose is to inspire others with her voice and music. Following the Ruhaniat path of Sufism for the past 20 years, Karen has discovered that singing and moving to chants deepens the practice and wishes to share this with others.

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1:00 PM13:00

Introduction to Qigong with Jim Weaver

Learn yow to access the universal life force (Qi).  Develop the ability to drop stress quickly and build your energy reserves.  Connect with the elements of nature.  Consisting of slow gentle movement, deep breathing and visualization, you'll learn easy but powerful tools you can take home and start using right away.  Regular Qigong practice has been shown to improve overall health and well-being.

Some of the benefits are :

  • Builds strength in the muscle 

  • Enhances concentration and deep breathing, which allows more benefits from the movements

  • Encourages cardiovascular and respiratory fitness

  • Stimulates the lymph system, which can help with lymphedema

  • Better sleep

  • Improved mood

  • Increased physical energy

  • More complete rest

  • More clarity and focus

  • Reduced depression, stress and anxiety.

Early Bird: $40

Starting April 10th: $45

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3:00 PM15:00

Restorative Yoga & Breathwork Journey with Danielle Ho

Grab all the props and drop into a luxurious practice of calming pranayama, guided meditation, and restorative posture.  Learn how to manage your mind with gentle breath techniques, organize your body using a variety of prop set ups, and support the nervous system for longevity and wholeness.

Please wear comfortable clothing, socks, and bring an eye pillow if you have one!

Early Bird : $20

Starting April 11th : $30

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3:00 PM15:00

Here cOMes the Sun Concert with Denisius Kivit

Here cOMes the Sun, an interactive concert by singer & songwriter Denisius Kivit.

The most beautiful Beatlessong, inspiring stories and happy encounters. Music touches. Music heals. Music connects. Music makes you aware. Music moves you. What Denisius can do with his music is to really and sincerely touch you. Sometimes that leads to silence. Then again to a  moment of recognition: "oh yes" and "remember when..." Denisius is inspired by the most beautiful songs of 'The Beatles' and ‘The power of Now’ by Eckhart Tolle, but above all he is inspired by people and encounters. In short: through life itself. Den was introduced to the power of music early at the conservatory and learned with his voice, his music and silence to create an experience that touches you and that you want to experience! Music to dream away... A unique concert with Denisius. Come by and let yourself be carried away by the warm voice of Denisius, his beautiful guitarplaying, inspiring stories and the most beautiful songs of The Beatles. Get back to where you once belonged – Return to your heart!

Early Bird $45

Starting April 17th $55

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3:00 PM15:00

Whale Song Sound Journey with Kobun TrueLove

Deepen your connection with the spirit and sound of the ocean. Kobun Truelove, a multi-instrumentalist, marine biologist and yoga instructor, takes us on a deeply restoring and magical musical sojourn with the soundscapes of the Monterey Bay's underwater canyon.

Kobun will guide you on a journey to fully immerse you in the depths and profound beauty of whale songs recorded from the depths of the Monterey Bay underwater canyon, as well as live music including didgeridoos, deep shamanic drumming, gong, crystal bowls, guitar and vocals will expand our connections with nature and open our hearts and minds.

Rest in an easeful posture and be bathed in sound.

Early Bird $40

Starting April 24th $50

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6:00 PM18:00

Cymatic Emergence with Dr.Christopher Powell

In this immersive workshop, we will prepare the mind, body and spirit with intention, energetic alignment and mantra so we can deeply integrate the large planetary-tuned symphonic gongs’ healing tones, overtones and frequencies. This sonic alchemy immersion will wash away tension, elevate your mood, stimulate the parasympathetic nervous system and allow for something new to emerge. Cymatic Emergence workshops are curated to the cosmos, powerful astrological alignments and seasonal portals to amplify rapid transformation.

“Create rhythms that are deeply nourishing and expansive - soul practices that infuse yourself with rest and faith. Resonate from a place that makes your heart sing.”

Early Bird $40

Starting March 27th $50

Dr.Christopher Powell is traditionally trained and board certified as a Doctor of Chiropractic and a Kundalini Yoga Teacher since 2003. He is post graduate certified advanced level Network Spinal Analysis (N.S.A) considered the Yoga of Chiropractic; a holistic, innovative and gentle technique used and endorsed by Anthony Robbins, Dr.Bruce Lipton, Ph.D, Candace Pert, Ph.D, and University of Miami school of medicine as a transformational somatic-based healing modality. NSA works deeply on levels physical, emotional, mental and energetic. Other tools Chris incorporates into his classes/workshops are Sacred Body Language Translation: intuitive interpretation of your symptoms, The Emotion Code Energy Healing Release, Meridian & Yin Yoga.

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12:30 PM12:30

Reiki Space

Open to all Reiki levels. Aligned heart and open hands to expand your practice - give and receive.

This is not a teaching / study experience it is a self-guided community practice space. Tables and chairs will be set up to receive and give a session. Please, pre-register to book a spot.

Must be a Certified Practitioner! Please, remember to bring your manuals if needed!

This is a free offering, however if you wish, please donate to the Shala for utilizing the space.

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4:00 PM16:00

Tibetan Sound Experience with Khalden Kho

Kalden Kho, a traditional Tibetan Sowa, draws on his traditional Tibetan background, using chanting and a variety of traditional Tibetan healing instruments. This Sound Experience is a ritual of sound to help you regain your ideal vibration, leading to a more balanced state - physically, mentally, and emotionally.

Everything in the universe - from subatomic particles to the largest planet - is constantly moving, vibrating. We are no exception. And, like an exquisite musical instrument, when we are “out of tune,” the music of our life is not harmonious. Rest, resonate, and cultivate a wave of harmony, love and kindness together.

Early Bird $40

Starting March 12th $50

Kalden Kho : Originally from eastern Tibet, Kalden Kho, a Tibeten Sowa, brings a wealth of Tibetan cultural and spiritual background to his sound work, breath work and astrology offerings. He became a monk at the age of 5 and continued his monastic studies until the age of 23, when he completed a three year retreat. He subsequently escaped to India in the winter of 2000 and joined his Tibetan community in exile, under His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama. He moved to the U.S. 10 years ago. Throughout his journeys across the U.S, he has come to meet people from all walks of life. He has discovered that people more and more are seeking connection and a sense of serenity as a way to offset the stress and isolation of modern lifestyles. Despite missing his home and the deep sense of community that flourished in his country of birth, Kalden’s wish is to use his talents to create something of similar value here. He seeks to provide an experience that reflects the qualities of Tibetan cultural tradition, while also forging an innovative path forward.

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2:30 PM14:30

Dharma Talk with Lama Lakshey Zangpo

Join Lama Lakshey Zangpo for a Dharma Talk before Kalden Kho's Tibetan Sound Journey.

Lama Lakshey Zangpo was born in eastern Tibet and entered Mardo Tashi Choling monastery at the age of ten. Later, he attended Larung Gar Institute in Tibet and studied buddhist philosophy and meditation for a decade with H.H. Jigme Phuntsok. Lama Lakshey was recognized at a young age as a Tulku, and was later enthroned by H.H. Katok Getse Rinpoche. H.H. Katok Getse Rinpoche was the seventh head of the Nyigma tradition. Lama Lakshey has taught in the U.S. and Canada for the last 15 years. He provides instruction on buddhist meditation and eastern psychology to dharma practitioners, university students and faculty, medical communities, and tech corporations. Lama Lakshey served on the Board of Directors of Joru Foundation and is the spiritual advisor of Tsinta Mani Choling, Lama Lakshey resides in the Bay Area.


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