Dances of Universal Peace with Karen Lehman
The Dances of Universal Peace is participatory group spiritual practice facilitated by a Certified Dance Leader who introduces the group to the sacred phrase, music, and movements. After a short practice, participants enter the circle dance with live music accompaniment. This “spiritual practice in motion” connects the body, heart, and soul, opening participants to the possibility of a spiritual experience while honoring various sacred traditions from around the world.
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Karen Lehman is a song leader with the Whole Hearted Community Song Circles and a Certified Dance Leader for Dances of Universal Peace. A resident of the Monterey Peninsula for more than 50 years, she has performed with a number of prominent local choral groups. Being a musician and a retired teacher, Karen feels that her life purpose is to inspire others with her voice and music. Following the Ruhaniat path of Sufism for the past 20 years, Karen has discovered that singing and moving to chants deepens the practice and wishes to share this with others.